Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Hi everyone,

 I want to share a movie,which is relevant our course. This movie is a kind of provacative satire about being black in a white place especially in the presidency of Obama. I think this movie can give us an idea about race issues in the USA, currently.

I think it will release 24th of October in nationwide.

Here you can reach this movie's webpage and get a a detailed information about the movie. :)


İrem Aydoğdu

1 comment:

  1. The first thing came to my mind when I watched the trailer was that it looks so interesting! The second is that wow this is a really important issue. I love how the movie use irony to describe the problems of race in American society. I especially like to see the real life examples of stereotypic sentences such as:
    "We don't have any tolerance problem here."
    “But you’re only technically black!"
    This movie shows these things in such a funny way that people cannot help themselves but realize the main problems within the society. I think this is one of the things that I like about satire. It makes you think while showing you the most extreme version of the reality which becomes usually funny.

    I also like her sentence, "Black people cannot be racist!"Racism describes a system of disadvantage based on race." We also talked about it during the class so I will not deeply analyze it yet it's all connected to the idea of the relationship between race and power.

    Also, here is the link for the article on the Guardian about it if you want to read more on this movie, http://www.theguardian.com/film/filmblog/2014/oct/21/dear-white-people-a-black-satire-whose-sark-is-worse-than-its-bite

    lastly, I checked and didn't see any release date for Turkey T_T I hope they will broadcast it here soon too~

    -Ezgi ULUSOY
