Tuesday, October 21, 2014

#STOP Racial Profiling

Hi guys,

(If you cannot see the video from an unknown reason, here is the link: http://vimeo.com/76430214)

One of my friends shared this short yet powerful video on Facebook and I think this is a great example that shows how people are still racially profiled and this is such a corrupted idea! 

"Racial/ ethnic profiling is a form of institutionalized racism and entails the discriminatory use of personal attributes (such as skin color, ethnic or religious affiliation, national origin or language) as a basis for identity checks and searches without a concrete warrant by the police." said by the website which my friend linked the video to; http://www.stoppt-racial-profiling.de/english/ (This is for signing a petition to the German Parliament about institutionalized racial profiling.However, there is some important information on racism in Europe and especially German there too.) I found it really interesting maybe it was because I did not read about racism in Europe as much as in America. Anyway, I hope you like the video.

Have a good day~


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