Sunday, September 14, 2014

Race & Ethnicity? What's the Difference?

Ethnicity is.....

associated with culture (everyday experiences)
belonging to a social group 
citizens of a country or citizens of a region: we have some questions about this because you can be a citizen of a country but come from somewhere else 
language and religion
a shared history, a common past 
accent, dialect

Race is....

race is biological, but people use it differently 
classification: TAXONOMY
skin color, skull size, bodily appearance (phenotypes)
defines the intelligence level of a particular person or group
racism: a tool used for extermination in history and today
"the human race": we are destroying something, we are at fault for something,
there is something we need to save: shared blame, but also shared

assimilation of different races, historically: the concept of mixed
race is never about white people
stereotype: "black people are never racist"
positive discrimination 

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