Friday, September 5, 2014

Welcome to AMER 495: Race & Ethnicity in America!

Dear Students,

Welcome to your blog.  This is, indeed, YOUR blog for the semester.  Here, you will be authoring your own posts on the issues related to race, ethnicity, gender, class, sexuality and their intersections that we will be learning about this semester.

You will also be commenting, questioning, posting links and videos and other content here, in response to your classmates' posts.

On this blog, your inspiration is the character Ifemelu, from Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie's novel Americanah.  You will be reading this novel and discussing sections of it in class.

Your posts should be inspired and creative and thoughtful.  To get us started, I will share section from Americanah and post a video link to a talk by Adichie that will help us begin our conversation of what race and ethnicity mean in America:

from Page 374 of Americanah:

So What's the Deal?

They tell us race is an invention, that there is more genetic variation between two black people than there is between a black person and a white person.  Then they tell us black people have a worse kind of breast cancer and get more fibroids.  And white folk get cystic fibrosis and osteoporosis.  So what's the deal, doctors in the house?  Is race an invention or not?

The Danger of the Single Story

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