Monday, September 22, 2014

Some Memorable Quotations from the Texts and Videos

Here, there are some quotes that I find really inspiring/interesting and which help me to remember the theme of the text more easily, feel free to share yours as well!!

"The way we start a story changes the story"  -Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie (The Danger of a Single Story)
"Stories can break or repeat the dignity of people" -Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie (The Danger of a Single Story)
"Nigerians took on all kinds of names here." -Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie (Americanah)
"White people... ...never speak of whiteness of a white person" -Paula S. Rothenberg (Privilege)
"The interpretation of difference leads to subordination" -Paula S. Rothenberg (Race, Class and Gender in the USA)
"It... ...sound like natural that we have different classes" -Paula S. Rothenberg (Race, Class and Gender in the USA)
"Race... is the central factor to tell people why they can't be free" -Michael Omi and Howard Winant (Racial Formations)
"America created a story of race" - (Race: The Power of an Illusion)
If you show one thing as something over and over, it becomes the thing you have shown -Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie (The Danger of a Single Story)


1 comment:

  1. What a great technique for keeping track of the main points of the readings!
