Thursday, December 4, 2014

Ferguson March in London

I took this video at my recent visit to London. Out of nowhere about 2000 people showed up on the street, shouting "Hands Up, Don't Shoot", for the support of Ferguson shooting. And the most heated topic in America right now is the now "fake" medical examiner Shawn Parcells who proposed the "magic bullet theory" offering that Mike Brown's hands were up and his back was turned at the moment of shooting...

Murat Güzeller


  1. I'd love to hear what others think about this video...also, this should demonstrate to all of us how American's racial problems are becoming transnational. That is, they move beyond the geo-political borders of the USA and effect other people in other places. All the more reason for us to be knowledgeable on these we can participate in this growing global discourse....

  2. I agree with Jennifer here. It definitely proves that America's racial problem are becoming more and more visible to the whole globe and I think it is very important but I do not know if it will change something as long as American people themselves see that race in today's world is not something which determines anything about a person or his/her characteristics. Of course it should not discourage us from supporting the racial equality and putting our believes into actions because in the end the racist people will have no choice but to listen to our calls for racial equality.

    -Ezgi ULUSOY
